About Me.

It has always been my goal since 10th grade to have my own private practice therapy service. I was able to make good on my goal in 2021. I started my practice because I genuinely believe anyone can benefit from therapy and desires to have access to therapy. I want to be part of the solution and support others with putting the constructive action into self-care for mental health that has helped not only myself, but also clients I’ve worked with and so many I’ve been witness to.

My love for therapy came after I was able to engage and participate in therapy for myself and really “practice what I preach” while I was still young and in school. It was a great experience because although my therapist understood her job was my end goal and what all my classes were teaching me what she was actively utilizing with me, she acknowledges me as a human first, a young student, black girl, who was struggling through the ebbs and flows of life, as we all do. I love therapy because life is truly a continuous healing journey and things and people change, therapy is a space that welcomes and hosts the ‘growing pains’ of life’s transitions and changes, the good, bad, ugly, unexpected and all.